So you've made it into my blog posts, so I am sure you have seen WxCory quite a few times whether its on my site or on any of my social media accounts. Have you thought for a moment what Wx is or what it even means? Well, just keep reading and you will have a perfect understanding on what Wx is and why it is used.
Way back before the time of computers, smartphones, and modern technology people used other methods to communicate over long distances. Back in the mid 1800's people began using morse code to help communicate over larger distances. What is morse code though? Morse code is a way to communicate through light or sound by using different length sounds (or flashes) to stand for letters in the alphabet. Below is the morse code alphabet, the dots are short beeps or flashes while the dashes are long beeps or flashes.

Above pictured is a boy listening to a telegraph while the picture below shows an actual telegraph.
During this period, morse code became the primary way behind that of newspapers to get information out to the masses. In fact, the telegraph (which is what relayed the morse code after it was sent through wires similar to phones) is seen by many to be the precursor to the telephone.
There was one major drawback to using a telegraph though, and this was that every single letter and number had to be sent over the wires and on the other end a person would be listening and would have to write down every sound they hear. This meant that sending long messages would not only cost more but would take much longer to send and get out. Because of this, people began to abbreviate words so that it would be much easier to send them through morse code. This was the case with the word "Weather". Below is the morse code for weather and its abbreviation "Wx". Also, below that is a video I made with the actual sound of typing out each word in morse code.
.-- . .- - .... . .-.
.-- -..-
As you can probably tell by now, Wx is much shorter than Weather which makes sense why it was used back then. The real question is why is still used today, its not like we communicate through morse code anymore? Well actually many fields still use morse code, including aviation, and maritime (including the Coast Guard and Navy). So yes, morse code is still in use itself but how about weather and its abbreviation? Well Wx is still used for weather in aviation (as stated before) but has also emerged as a prevalent thing in weather related posts on social media. If you go onto twitter right now and search "wx" you will find thousands of posts and accounts that include wx since it is much easier (as was the case with telegraphs) to put #wx instead of #weather. And this is the reason why WxCory exists, it is actually WeatherCory not just W-X Cory.