When telling people that you are a meteorology major they respond with:
“Oh, so you are going to be on TV?”
Or (my favorite)
“Oh that’s cool, I love space and meteors”
When it comes to classes:
Taking over half your classes with engineering students (or students of another major)
Hearing those students complaining nonstop about their major.
Waiting in your gen ed’s for your next meteorology class to start.
Dreading your meteorology classes (not all of them) such as Dynamics since you know you’ll have hours of homework because of it.
Spending the next day and a half with your friends working on one dynamics problem.
Going through copious amounts of colored pencils so you can contour.
Learning things about weather that you didn’t know existed and totally geeking out over it.
When It comes to your life:
You have at least one type of weather instrument at home.
Everybody you know texts you to answer their weather questions.
You can tell everybody about “the storm” that made you want to become a meteorologist.
Whenever a severe storm is within 20 miles of campus your Meteorology Group Chat explodes.
Then over half of you go to chase the storm, while the other half tracks it on their computers in class.
Depending on the type of weather (severe, tropical, or snow) you have a have a friend that you talk to about it that loves it as much as you do.
And The Most Important:
You get to learn about something that you love everyday while making lifelong friends along the way!
Are there any that I missed? Leave more in the comments section below!